DTS Midi Systems
MIDI Encoder and Decoder Controller Cards for Virtual Pipe Organs and Pipe Organ operating Hauptwerk and other MIDI Systems.
With the introduction of software such as Hauptwerk, designing and building a Virtual Pipe Organ has become popular with both professionals and amateur organ builders. DTS Midi Systems series of MIDI Encoders and MIDI Decoders makes the conversion to Virtual Pipe Organ simple without the need for writing configuration files or computer programming.
Regardless if the organ console is a electronic, pipe or designing a console, DTS Midi Systems offer Keyboards, Pedal board, Stop Action Midi Encoders. In addition to Midi encoders, a series of MIDI decoder/drivers are available for controlling Stop Actions, Draw Knobs, and Pipes.
For a fast and easy organ console conversion, look to DTS Midi Systems.
Regardless if the organ console is a electronic, pipe or designing a console, DTS Midi Systems offer Keyboards, Pedal board, Stop Action Midi Encoders. In addition to Midi encoders, a series of MIDI decoder/drivers are available for controlling Stop Actions, Draw Knobs, and Pipes.
For a fast and easy organ console conversion, look to DTS Midi Systems.